Friday, July 20, 2007

Summer Craziness

That's the only thing I can think of to describe things right now. Talk about a hectic summer.

In my last post I wrote I would post about my trips earlier this summer, but I'm too busy to do it now. (Maybe I'll put up a long, comprehensive post reviewing summer at the end of it). Today was the last day of 5th Street Baptist Church's "Avalanche Ranch" VBS program. Eric and I helped out at it all week. It was a lot of fun. Eric had said beforehand that he wanted to get all the badly-behaved kids in his crew, and he got his wish. (It was a good illustration of "Be careful what you wish for--you just might get it." You'll have to ask Eric or comment on his blog if you want to hear any horror stories).

Today all the helpers celebrated with a big water fight, but they went too fast for me to get any camera recording of the action. Joe, one of the guys from 5th Street, persuaded my poor little brother Philip into buying a big yellow squirt gun from the prize table, which turned into an instrument of terror in the hands of a few rowdy teenagers several minutes later. (Again, ask Eric if you want details of the massacre). Poor little kids, they never know how manipulative older kids are with them.

I'm sure anyone even vaguely familiar with a teenage boy from Collinsville had heard the teen boys there are going to High Point Camp (they never update their website) next week. The 2007 theme is "Wild, Wild West." My friend Josh Bradbury has uploaded a preview from YouTube. Since German Dodge Ball is the classic game of Collinsville (and we're pros, as some people claim), all the boys from Collinsville are planning to challenge another team down in Pennsylvania to a GDB match. I have a feeling it's going to be a kamikaze mission (especially since you can win or lose points for one of two teams the entire camp is divided into). We already know that once we issue the challenge, the other team is going to form from the biggest, baddest opponents the rest of the camp can find. (i.e., the game won't be a piece of cake). But despite that ominous fact, Corey and Eric have said we won't think about losing unless it happens and that if it does, we'll walk around with sacks over our faces for the rest of the week.

Wonderful advice. Contact us for more horror stories next month.


Coop said...

Be careful what I wish for...? I wanted the bad guys, and I got 'em. I'm happy and have no regrets.

Joshua Bradbury said...

YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH.............................. heh

John said...

And we're gonna Whip their little behinds now aren't we Aaron? ^-^

Aaron C said...

Yeah, I never said we couldn't beat them...