Friday, June 29, 2007

Picture Perfect Is A Pain...

You probably noticed the new header for my blog. It took me close to an hour to crop and paste this thing, and it's still not the right dimensions!!! Who knew simple things could get so complicated?

Oh, yeah, and hello again, after 2 1/2 weeks of travel. Maybe I'll be able to update the blog a little bit more since it's summertime now.


Joshua Bradbury said...

I understand your pain. It took me over an hour to make mine, and it turned out too pink! lol
Anyway, this one looks great! Eric centered his picture in the box. I wonder how he did that...

jb said...

Tell me about it! I spend so much time, some days, trying to get my blog colors just right, and I've never even tried to add a picture! Yours looks very, very nice.

And please do write more soon. We'd love to hear whatever you can think of to tell us about your trips.

Mrs. B